Van Soelen's Steakhouse

If you love beef, you must try this blend! I consider myself a beef "purist" and like to keep it simple when preparing a steak or burger. So this blend and browned butter are all you need... Trust me! Delicious in any recipe calling for beef.

Ingredients: black pepper, *garlic, *shallots, sea salt, *onion, red pepper flakes, *oregano.

*organic ingredients

8 ounce size glass jar (content net weight = 4 oz.)


COUNTRIES OF SPICE ORIGIN: Brazil, Egypt, Fiji, France, Guatemala, Indonesia, Morocco, Peru, Spain, Sri Lanka, Turkey, United States.

HELPFUL HINT: The high quality spices that I use to make these blends are extremely flavorful. My recommendation is that you start with a little less than what you think will be needed. It's very easy to add more, however not so easy to get rid of an overpowering flavor if you have over-seasoned!